日本遺伝学会 第95回大会

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【シンポジウム1】 GSA-GSJ Joint Symposium
テーマ『Evolutionary Genetics in the Genomic Era: Understanding Biological Diversity』
1日目(9/6)9:00〜12:00 A会場(パレアホール)
Organizers: Junko Kanoh (University of Tokyo), Naoki Irie (University of Tokyo), Yasunori Aizawa (Tokyo Tech), Masato Nikaido (Tokyo Tech)
This symposium is an annual international symposium jointly organized by the Genetics Society of Japan (GSJ) and Australasia (GSA). This symposium will focus on evolution and genetics, with six speakers (two from the Australasian side) discussing the mechanisms for generating biodiversity, which have become increasingly well understood through genome-wide analysis. Although the target organisms are diverse, ranging from nematodes to mammals, they are all firmly connected by the principle of genetics.
S1-1 Lee Ann Rollins (University of New South Wales)
Title: Molecular mechanisms underlying rapid evolution during invasion
S1-2 Takahiro Yonezawa (Hiroshima University)
Title: Population genomic analysis unveils the origins and histories of Japanese native chickens
S1-3 Yohey Terai (The Graduate University for Advanced Studies: SOKENDAI)
Title: The origin and evolution of the dog
S1-4 Frank Grutzner (University of Adelaide)
Title: Mammalian Sex Chromosome Evolution: Lessons from the Egg-Laying Platypus and Echidna
S1-5 Takashi Hayakawa (Hokkaido University)
Title: Genomic convergence of the arboreal species in primates and marsupials
S1-6 Kohta Yoshida (National Institute of Genetics)
Title: Genome-structural evolution driving speciation in Pristionchus nematodes
【シンポジウム2】 共催:新学術領域 非ゲノム情報複製
1日目(9/6)14:00〜17:00 A会場(パレアホール)
世話人: 石黒 啓一郎(熊本大学)
S2-1 石黒 啓一郎(熊本大学 発生医学研究所)
S2-2 井上梓(理化学研究所)
S2-3 立花誠(大阪大学 生命機能研究科)
S2-4 田中実(名古屋大学 理学研究科)
S2-5 齋藤都暁(国立遺伝学研究所)
S2-6 藤 泰子(東京工業大学)
S2-7 横林 しほり(京都大学 医学研究科)
【Symposium2】co-organized by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas, Replication of non Geneome
Theme ”Regulation of Life Phenomena by Non-Genomic Information Mechanisms”
Organizer: Kei-ichiro Ishiguro (Kumamoto University IMEG)
Outline and Aim of the Theme
Sexual reproduction accompanies specific changes in chromosome, chromatin, and nuclear dynamics over a broad range of species. In this symposium, we will discuss chromosome/chromatin/nuclear dynamics from different aspects of sexual reproduction, such as germ cell differentiation, meiosis, sex determination, and fertilization.
S2-1 Kei-ichiro Ishiguro (Kumamoto University IMEG)
Sexually different mechanism of meiosis initiation
S2-2 Azusa Inoue (RIKEN IMS)
Establishment mechanism of transgenerational histone modifications
S2-3 Makoto Tachibana (Osaka university)
Epigenetic Regulatory Mechanisms of Mouse Sex Determination
S2-4 Minoru Tanaka (Nagoya university)
Molecular Mechanism of Egg Formation Commitment
S2-5 Kuniaki Saito (National Institute of Genetics, Japan)
Epitranscriptome Regulation in Drosophila Germ Cells
S2-6 Taiko To (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Crosstalk between plant epigenomic modifications drives epigenomic pattern formation
S2-7 Shihori Yokobayashi (Kyoto university)
Understanding human primordial germ cell development and epigenomic mechanisms using in vitro reconstituted systems
2日目(9/7)15:30〜18:30 A会場(パレアホール)
世話人: 谷 時雄(熊本大学)
講演者:180分 言語:日本語
S3-1 大矢禎一(東京大学新領域創成科学)
S3-2 渡辺大輔(奈良先端大)
S3-3 金井宗良(酒類総合研究所)
S3-4 久冨泰資(福山大)
S3-5 谷時雄(放送大学/熊本大学)
S3-6 高橋酵太郎(ダイヤモンドブルーイング)
「分裂酵母 Schizosaccharomyces japonicus Kumadai 株を用いたクラフトビールの醸造」
S3-7 平田大(新潟大日本酒学センター)
【Symposium 3】
Theme “Yeast Genetics in Sake Brewing: Basics, Applications, and Future”
Organizer: Tokio Tani (Kumamoto University/ The Open University of Japan)
Outline and Aim of the Theme
Yeast has excellent metabolic and growth abilities and has long been used in various industries, including food production, brewing, and pharmaceuticals. In particular, yeast used in the brewing of alcoholic beverages has undergone various breeding and improvement efforts in the development of yeast that can produce more flavorful alcoholic beverages. However, with the recent decline and diversification of liquor consumption and the development of new technologies such as genome editing, research on breeding yeasts for brewing is entering a new phase. In this symposium, we will introduce new developments for the future in the genetics of brewing yeasts, from basic research on new yeast breeding technologies to brewing applications of fission yeast that has never been used for sake production before.
S3-1 Yoshikazu Ohya (University of Tokyo)
Genome editing of sake yeast strains
S3-2 Daisuke Watanabe (Nara Institute of Science and Technology)
What does sake yeast sense to control alcoholic fermentation?
S3-3 Muneyoshi Kanai (National Research Institute of Brewing)
Construction of an efficient identification method for genes that characterize ‘sake yeast identity’
S3-4 Taisuke Hisatomi (Fukuyama University)
Isolation and characterization of local yeasts and their application in alcohol beverage production
S3-5 Tokio Tani (Kumamoto University/ The Open University of Japan)
Breeding and brewing application of fission yeast S. japonicus with high ginjo aroma production
S3-6 Koutaro Takahashi (Diamond Brewing Inc.)
Craft beer brewing with Kumadai strain of fission yeast
S3-7 Dai Hirata(Niigata University, Sakeology Center)
Research on checkpoints: Expansion to sake yeast
2日目(9/7)12:15〜13:15 A会場(パレアホール)
SW-1 石野 良純(九州大・農学部)
SW-2 権藤 洋一(東海大・医学部)
3日目(9/8)11:00〜12:00 A会場(パレアホール)
世話人:企画・集会幹事 沖 昌也(福井大学)
PW-1 岸野 廉(立教大学 理学部 生命理学科)
「IEE がトランスポゼースと共に誘起する特異な DNA 組換え反応」
PW-2 梶谷 卓也(福井大学 学術研究院工学系部門 生物化学研究室)
「RNA polymerase Ⅱ Ser7リン酸化は、転写と共役したヌクレオソーム再構築を促進して転写一時停止を安定化する」
PW-3 牛 小蛍(北海道大学生命科学大学院 生命科学専攻)
PW-4 赤瀬 太地(東京工業大学 生命理工学院、理化学研究所 生命医科学研究センター 生命医科学大容量データ技術研究チーム)



